Truth Prevails

It doesn’t matter how unjust people are, truth prevails. At times, in fact, often, people succeed in their injustice. But successes based on a lie crumbles. Truth always breaks through no matter how deeply people try to bury it. Yes, evil is troubling, but because we live in the greater sphere of the eternal, invisible, and spiritual, we see reality in much broader perspective. Truth and justice prevails; at times, immediately; at times, in a much later date.

God’s delays are not denials. Many of us have heard that before. Truth is: delay is from human perspective. From God’s viewpoint, everything’s right on time. God’s timing is impeccable. They are perfect, even in execution of justice. Everything is planned; everything’s brilliantly strategized. He has a reason truth and justice comes here and now; He also has a purpose why they come later–later, but not late.

God’s children aren’t easy to discourage. Yes; we see the immense problem. We don’t deny the abuse of power from people in position. It can be disturbing and unsettling. We’re not called to just passively observe the monstrous wrongs done against innocent people. We move; we act; we engage. As we do, we have faith for victory, and victory is what we have. How can we say that when people on the side of what’s good, right, and godly are the victims of terribly unfair treatments? Let me point it out again: it’s because we see things from eternal perspective. They may be “losers” in the eyes of the world, but whatever God allows, we rest assured that He does so because it’s for our good, and it serves His purpose. That’s joy and victory for us.

Our Lord Jesus was very clear: the world hates us. A good treatment from the world is an exception. It’s an anomaly. They hated our Lord; they hate us. When dealing with us, they’re not after what’s true and just; they’re after getting rid of us. And since we are people of truth and justice, law and order, they want us out. Why not? We are the light of the world. We expose their deeds of darkness. Instead of cleaning up their filth, they try to extinguish the light. That’s why even in their justice system, they don’t like sheer truthful witnesses; they look for false witnesses. They don’t see anything wrong with that; they don’t feel guilty about it. They’re not after truth; they’re after destroying us.

What? What kind of justice system is that? That’s the world. They have the appearance of being good; that’s how they build their appeal. People are deceived by them–a lot of people. They don’t look for all evidences; they only look for evidences that they can use to justify their dishonesty. That’s why they don’t mind lies, fraud, deceit, and suppression. That’s why they don’t have any conscience to see that bearing false witness is absolutely wrong. But believers expose their true image.

Knowing we can be in trouble, we continue to steadfastly take our stand. We operate in a different justice system–a perfect system, an incorruptible system, a pure system. It’s the Supreme.Court of the Supreme Courts. The Judge is no other than our Lord Jesus–King of Kings, Lord of Lords. In that court, everyone is judged
perfectly. Everything is laid bare before the presence of our omniscient Judge. He knows the real deal. He knows every person’s involvement.

Just because people in power, influence, and authority here on earth are able to tweak results to turn in their favor, it doesn’t mean they’re really successful. They lose. They don’t know that; we do. There’s power, authority, and influence infinitely greater than all of earth’s movers, shakers, and puppeteers. We have the Supreme Court of heaven. The “buck” stops there. They have the ultimate say. And as we continue to stand for Him–for what’s good, what’s right, what’s true, just, and godly–we win; we really win; we always win.

When Tables Turn

On the thirteenth day of the twelfth month, the month of Adar, the edict commanded by the king was to be carried out. On this day the enemies of the Jews had hoped to overpower them, but now the tables were turned and the Jews got the upper hand over those who hated them.

Esther 9:1 NIV

Isn’t it fascinating when tables turn for believers? Believe it or not, everything turns out in favor of believers. It doesn’t matter how threatening the situation, no matter how bleak, no matter how dark, no matter how dangerous, no matter how seemingly hopeless, we see God’s hand turning things around. Instead of curse, believers receive blessings; instead of ashes, there comes beauty, instead if sadness, there overflows joy; instead of heaviness, praise. Instead of disappointment, satisfaction. How can this be? It seems like we’re fighting a losing battle often. I wrote “seems like” for a reason.

Ups and downs are real–even in believers’ life. We’re not exempt from pain. Why is that? That’s part of being human; that’s part of being in this world. We are imperfect people living in an imperfect world–where sin is real, where sin exists, where sin rules in many. It’s not a sin to be human. We get hungry; Jesus did. We get thirsty, Jesus did. We get tired, Jesus did. We weep; Jesus did. We get deeply troubled; Jesus did. Our Lord Jesus went through those experiences because He became human. But that’s not the entire story.

Are we feeling tired and heavy laden? Are we lonely and heavy hearted? Are things not going our way? Does it seem like the odds are against us–not just a few but most? Are our attackers gaining ground? It sure doesn’t seem like situations are in our favor. We see people who take advantage of us getting promoted to very high positions where they have more potentials of causing us harm. We see them influence others. We see people who are clueless–who don’t even think–who are easily swayed–who cause us greater difficulties albeit unintentionally. There are rules and laws created by those in authority that trample upon our God-given freedom and values. Those who look down on us as Christians are coming up with underhanded strategies to destroy us, and increasingly, people are buying into it. But how many times have we heard it mentioned: “Things aren’t always as they seem.”? And that’s more true for us.

Any seeming defeat we experience as Christians isn’t. How can it? Remember: the greatest defeat our Lord Jesus suffered if ever would have been His death. But things weren’t as they seemed. On that cross, in the grand scheme of things, from the perspective of the spiritual and the eternal, He was making a public spectacle of the enemy, openly triumphing over them. The tables turned–if there was even a table to turn. Remember this, everything was always in God’s favor. And if that’s the case, there’s no table to turn, or, there’s no need for turning.

We look at things from greater perspective–one that includes not just our natural and temporal earthly sphere, but the spiritual, eternal, and supernatural. From that vantage point we see God in total control. We believe Romans 8:28–that although not all things are good, He works out everything for good to all those who love Him–those who are the called according to His purpose. How can anyone beat that? From this lens, we see that God works everything on our favor. It may be difficult to understand and accept, but yes, even tragedies. From this lens, there really is no need for the table to turn. If any, the turning of tables is just an awakening to reality, a recognition of God’s Sovereignty, wisdom, power, and design at work even in the worst of situations.

By the way, not everything awaits the eternal for favor to be seen going our direction. Many times, our gracious, good, and loving God indulges us–here, now. When we surrendered our lives to Him–you know, the “Jesus take the wheel” moment, that started our life of rest, peace, and victory. His good, in fact, brilliant management of our lives isn’t waiting for eternity before it kicks in. We’re in it. We’re the head, not the tail. We’re above, not beneath. We have the upper hand.

If that’s not the picture we see in the natural, we wait. We’re expectant. We’ve seen Him turn things around. He will do it again. The table will turn.


Because they lead my people astray, saying, “Peace” when there is no peace, and because, when a flimsy wall is built, they cover it with whitewash

Ezekiel 13:10 NIV

The more we see the glory of truth when lies, deception, hypocrisy, and duplicity are running amok in our society. To hear truth, to see honest people, to see the free, the brave, and the bold stand for what’s good, what’s right, and what’s godly amidst people who despise virtue is a breath of fresh air. Yes, there is darkness, but let us recognize that there is also a light brighty burning and shining; there is a sense of hopelessness, but real hope exists. We don’t deny the existence of evil, but we also clearly see the presence of good. The battle rages, but good wins. This is guaranteed.

Good wins because we have a sure Winner on our side. God is good and is on the side of the good. He frustrates evil–all the time. He is the undefeated Champion. Again, this isn’t a denial of evil. Evil is real. There are people who knowingly bow to it. They bow to whatever serves their selfish interests. It doesn’t matter if they resort to foul play; they’re willing to sell their souls for a taste of fame, riches, and power. They serve themselves–their pleasures, their excesses as the ultimate end of their choices, not realizing they are serving a false god. Oh how we desire for their eyes to be opened, but many of them refuse to. Instead of choosing goodness; they just want the appearance of it–whitewashed walls–we may say.

There are people who settle for faux-peace. They don’t want to rock the boat even if they know that the “peace” they enjoy is brought about by coordinated nefarious acts, by a plethora of lies, manipulations, frauds, cheatings, and deceptions. It doesn’t matter if people are unjustly treated; for them, it’s okay, as long as there’s “peace.” But an unrighteous peace isn’t real peace. This is so easy to see. Faux-peace people experience has underlying monstrosities. It’s brought by tyranical persecution, silencing, and even death of others. The people who value this kind of injustice reveal their true hearts–whitewashed. They’re one of them.

Come what may, some of them may yield to the Holy Spirit’s work, and a huge praise to God for that, but there are those who won’t budge. With all these, our outlook is beautiful and hopeful. Our God is God of truth; He is Truth. Genuine believers exist. They don’t whitewash evil. They recognize it for what it is, and instead of covering it, they get rid of it. They opt for genuineness, for transparency, for honesty. Others may try to make their paths harder for them, but they’re not bothered; they’re undeterred; they know their God; He’s the One Who opens and closes doors for them. They’re free, and they remain free. They understand that true freedom can’t detach itself from truth. For those who believe, they know the truth, and truth sets them free.

Believers–they are God’s delegated hope for society, true salts and lights–preserving a decaying world, bringing light in darkness. They don’t participate in whitewashing shenanigans. They are people of God; they are people of the Truth.

Sovereignty and Free Will

No one takes it from me, but I lay it down of my own accord. I have authority to lay it down and authority to take it up again. This command I received from my Father.”

John 10:18 NIV

We believe. Because of this, we’ve been ushered in to the wonderful sphere of spiritual and supernatural existence. With it comes a different kind of wisdom. Not that we know all things, but God has given us understanding. We humbly resign to the truths of God’s omniscience and our limitations. That’s more than enough and satisfying for us. The truth is: God has given us more truths than we’ve learned so far.

One of the concepts even believers struggle with is the balance between God’s sovereignty and people’s free will. With that comes the accompanying discussion of predestination and choice. Did Jesus give up His life or did people murder Him? The passage may seem to deny the latter, but we’re also very much aware of the fact that He was murdered. Others are quick to conclude: “Contradiction! I told you, the Bible is full of contradictions.” My unbiased assessment is: there are seeming contradictions, but it’s not “full of;” there are very few. Although, obviously, people focus on them and they tend to magnify them.

Question: despite everything people did–the religious leaders, the hostile crowd, political leader, soldiers–could He have died if He didn’t give up His life? The clear answer is seen in the passage. Our Lord Jesus was in complete control of and over His life and death. To understand His Sovereignty better, let’s change our focus from “lay it down” to “take it up again.” There, we can more easily and clearly see it was all Him. There was no human being involved in the resurrection process except our Lord Jesus Himself. People ask: “How can He even do that when He was dead–lifeless?” It’s hard to understand and answer from natural and physical perspective, but not from spiritual and supernatural perspective. HE CAN. In God’s “world–” it’s possible. The greater reality He occupies has different modi operandi.

We’re very much encouraged by this truth; we’re exposed to one of the the most amazing strategies of our all-wise God. Where our Lord Jesus’ followers, the opponents, the world at large saw the worst turn of events–the greatest defeat of all time–where and when the Son of God seemingly lost control, lost His life, lost His “battle” with the corrupt generation and leaders, or simply, LOST, He was actually in full control of everything–triumphant–and all of people’s actions were working out His will and purpose. If that is true, and it is, then it’s true–even in our situations.

What we don’t like, our hardships, the sufferings, the seeming wrong turn of events we don’t have control over–is it possible to see them in the light of God’s orchestration? The comforting answer to that is “yes.” We may feel like we’ve lost control, and we’re just being tossed “to and fro” by people of power and influence who don’t have our best interest in their heart. But at the core of that is the divine operation working out all things for the best of those who love Him, those called according to His purpose.

We don’t sweat it; we don’t question it. We may not fully grasp all the details of our experiences, but we understand enough to rejoice in our God. We do what we can do, we change what we can change; we accept the things we can’t; God gives us understanding to know the difference.

We settle in peace, living in joy, trusting that everything He allows plays within His ultimate purpose, and that this paradigm will never change. God is on His throne; He reigns, and that never changes; He will reign forevermore.

There’s no God like our God. Truth: there’s no other God but Him. There’s no life better than the life of a baliever. If we haven’t yet grabbed hold of the Life-Saver, it’s best we do. He will welcome us with absolutely loving heart and fully extended arms. We won’t regret it. We will love it. And we will enjoy the beautiful world of Kingdom existence–with all its fantastic paradoxes, pleasant surprises, and series of victories.

Victory Over the Devil

Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.

James 4:7 KJV

Here are a few truths I learned from today’s preaching:

1.  Satan is always at work…

But God is also always at work, and believers can always be vigilant and ready.

2. Satan is extremely smart…

But God is ominiscient–all-wise and all-knowing, and believers can stand against all of the devil’s schemes because we have God’s armor.

3. Satan is very powerful…

But God is omnipotent–all powerful–way more powerful than the enemy, and we have God and His power within us.

We resist the devil, and he flees.

4. Satan is already defeated 

We have a victorious God; we’re more than conquerors, and God fights our battles.

There is no life better than the life of a believer.

No Fear of Enemies

Exodus 11:1   (NLT)   Then the Lord said to Moses, “I will strike Pharaoh and the land of Egypt with one more blow. After that, Pharaoh will let you leave this country. In fact, he will be so eager to get rid of you that he will force you all to leave.

Exodus 11.1 - Not Fearing EnemiesGod knows how to deal with his enemies—our enemies. He is a Victorious God. No one in no time can ever defeat him. God was able to turn the pharaoh’s hard and hardened heart completely around; He can do the same even to our most ardent enemy.

Enemies are real, but we don’t have to fear them. We don’t have to be troubled; we don’t have to panic about their existence or presence—no matter how close they may be to us, no matter how powerful they may be. In God’s perfect timing, and in God’s powerful unique ways; He will move our enemies to serve his purposes and act even surprisingly and totally favorably towards us.

Dear God, thank you so much for giving us very encouraging and dependable promises and assurances so that we don’t have to fear anyone or anything. You’re in complete control—nature, people, and everything else. We may not fully understand how you do this without violating man’s free will, but it’s enough for us to know that no one can thwart your purposes; You will accomplish them. It’s enough for us to know you love us, and you will always do the best for us; that includes dealing with those who oppose us.

Died and Rose—for Us

Romans 4:25   (KJV)   25 Who was delivered for our offences, and was raised again for our justification.

Praise God; our precious Savior sacrificially died on the cross for our sins. Praise God; He didn’t stay dead and buried; He defeated grave, death, and hell; He rose from the dead so Romans 4.25 - Died and Rose--for Uswe may be reckoned as justified—just as if we haven’t sinned at all—made completely right before God.

I don’t even want to imagine what could have happened had He not incarnated, had He not lived a perfect life, had He not been willing to give His life for us, had He been unable to resurrect. We’re grateful He was a worthy, willing, and perfect sacrifice.

Our holy God lovingly provided a merciful yet just way out for us; our offences were placed upon our Lord; we need no longer be penalized and punished for them. Every need, every requirement for this hope and reality of eternal life has been met; we’re over-blessed; we’re overjoyed.

It’s Your Time

Acts 7:35   (KJV)   35 This Moses whom they refused, saying, Who made thee a ruler and a judge? the same did God send to be a ruler and a deliverer by the hand of the angel which appeared to him in the bush.

Acts 7.32 - It's Your TimeMoses who was refused by the people 40 years prior was the same Moses chosen and sent by God to do what he was first rejected to do—this time though, through a uniquely powerful supernatural experience and divine mandate.

Just because we were rejected before doesn’t mean we will be rejected forever. Rejection from people doesn’t mean rejection from God. Just because we don’t accomplish something now doesn’t mean we aren’t going to accomplish it at all. Most of the time, timing makes the difference. God often gives us time to grow and prepare our spirit, souls, and body.

Dear Lord, help us never to doubt You, us as Your handiwork, and Your plans for us. You will accomplish Your purposes and those of us who are willing to join You will enjoy the wonderful journey of being a part of divine accomplishments, wonders, and victories. Thank You Lord for such awesome privilege and opportunity—in Jesus’ Name, amen.

God’s Reach; God’s Touch

Zechariah 12:1   (KJV)   12 The burden of the word of the Lord for Israel, saith the Lord, which stretcheth forth the heavens, and layeth the foundation of the earth, and formeth the spirit of man within him.

Our Lord’s reach touches the farthest and the closest of His creation.

Zechariah 12.1 - God's Reach, God's TouchWhen He tells us not to worry, it’s because there’s really no reason to. God is the Sovereign ruler of everything and everyone. Even when things and people are spinning out of control, He’s still in total control.

We have free will. We may not completely understand His ways. We may not comprehend how He works all things for the good of those who love Him and those who are the called according to His purpose—both our good times and bad times. We may not understand how the devil is allowed to roam around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour, how the devil seems to be influencing the vast majority of people, and yet at all times, God is victoriously utilizing all of the devil’s schemes and works to end up serving His purposes. When people saw defeat on the cross, He was triumphantly parading His vanquished enemies in the open.

We still don’t know the ultimate limits of our universe. We still don’t fully know the most detailed outworking of our body parts. We still don’t accurately and consistently predict weather and earthquakes, but we know our God—little but enough knowledge to be sure that in all of them, we can rest confidently in Him—His awesome power, and His unending love. The universe is incalculably huge. It takes a lot of work to keep them in order and working well. But it’s nothing that He can’t handle. Amidst all of that macrocosmic management, we’re still in the very center of His heart and sight.

On God’s Side

Psalm 118:7   (KJV)   7 The Lord taketh my part with them that help me: therefore shall I see my desire upon them that hate me.

No matter how hard our problems, no matter how numerous and how powerful our enemies are, we don’t fear. We believers no longer live for ourselves but for Him Who Psalm 118.7 - On God's Sidegreatly loves us and Who mercifully saved us. We’re for Him; He’s for us. He helps us and will never fail doing so.

We’re sincerely committed to living uprightly; we strive to walk faithfully before our Lord. We don’t selfishly pick and choose which part of His Word we would believe and obey. Loving our enemies is not an easy task, but we do. Given a choice, we would rather not have enemies in the first place. But we can’t deny the obvious reality and increasing presence of evil. No matter how much we treat everyone lovingly, there are those who see us and treat us as their enemies.

Because we choose God; because we abide by His ways; because we refuse to be a part of lawless and godless systems, we experience indifference, disapproval, hatred, and even violent attacks from lawless and godless people. That’s natural—not pleasant—but that’s the truth. What’s interesting though is how we see our loving desires and prayers come to fruition. They get saved; we see them undergo even drastic and unbelievable but genuine changes.

Praise God, He can make friends an families out of our enemies. The moment they turn away from their godless ways, place their full dependence on our precious Lord Jesus for their salvation, and bow their hearts in surrender to Him, they become children of God—our spiritual brothers and sisters. But you may ask, “What about those who decide to continue in their crooked ways: what about those who continue to attack you?” We’re neither worried not afraid. Our victorious Lord has made us overcomers—more than conquerors.